    Parag Karia  MSc., AFP, LUTCF ®
    RONSHU Investing
    303 Hoysala Apartments,
    # 6 Cunningham Road,
    Bangalore- 560052, INDIA
    Mobile :    +91-9845022818
    Email :      ronshu@vsnl.net
    Website : www.rosnhu.net
    AMFI Certified (Association of Mutual Funds Of India)
    IRDA Certified (Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority)
    LUTCF ® (Life Underwriter's Training Council Fellow-April 2007(The Amercian College,USA&IAIFM)
    AFP TM®, (Associate Financial Planner, Financial Planning Standards Board, India)
    MDRT Qualifier 2003,2004,2005,2006
    Member, FPSB (Financial Planning Standards Board, India-AFP Program)
    Member,The American College(LUTCF Program)
    Member MDRT,USA(Amongst 1% of Worldwide Investment Advisors, Million Dollar Round Table, USA)